Fifty Files of Infidelity

Romance, personality masks, unbelievable deception, mind-blowing twists and a mic-dropping finale.

Dear reader, 

I am well aware that these stories will take you to the moon and back. You will experience romance that’ll put butterflies in your belly, make you smile from molar to molar, laugh at some points or curl into a little ball like a love sick puppy. Through all these emotions, you’ll learn a thing or two while deeply immersed in spell binding entertainment.

One last thing – I promise you’ll almost never be able to predict the end. Well, I dare you to try – game on!

Ayeah Avisa (Entrepreneur, Writer, Speaker)

Love birds, Bisong and Kara get engaged to be wed. At last, they have found true love with the fairytale romance that comes with it. However, will love be enough to sustain a long term commitment? Especially as ‘personality masks’ lurk in the shadows, dark parts of their lives so deeply masked behind smiley faces and sweet gestures.

Infidelity that transcends the ordinary forms of cheating. Files that leave traces of a long history of deception. Will their World come crumbling as traces of deception come together, piece by piece or would it be an opportunity to form a stronger alliance on the wave of toxicity that abounds?


Episode 1

“Mr. Man, we need to talk!”

Were the words that welcomed me home after a long day of
‘hustling’ in the scorching sun of Molyko.

My fiancé, Kara, was waiting for me with a shrewd face that
clearly screamed ‘trouble’.

Heart pumping, curiosity rising and ‘defensive mode’
activated, I looked at Kara in the eyes and asked;

“What is wrong, d-u-u-rling?”

Kara lifted up a cheque receipt of 10.000.000 FCFA cashed into
my account in the week earlier.

Gosh! I thought I had hidden that receipt well. Women!

“Bisong, where did you get this kind of money? For the record,
I know you can’t save this money from your ‘so-called’ hustle.
Our lifestyle in this house for the last 2 years has been filled
with management and misery.

Now I find multiple cheques worth millions which you’ve been
transacting all these years. There had better be an explanation
to this?”

“Ehrm, I…well, you know…the thing is…” I began to stammer

“Mr. Man start talking!” she yelled, tone rising increasingly at
every line.

“Come, let’s talk in the room. I will tell you everything.” I said,
leading her to the bedroom.

Her beautiful brown eyes fixed on me, ears wide open and mind
curious for the revelation of the Century.

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“What I am about to tell you may be the most controversial
thing you have ever heard. I need you to keep an open mind.”

I said, mustering every iota of serenity within me to stay calm.

“Just talk already, Mister!” She urged on.

“I am a…


Catch the action live as Bisong makes the most controversial revelation yet. A revelation that puts Kara between the ‘devil and the deep blue sea’. How will Kara react to this?

RDV tomorrow 9.15AM.

What is your prediction about Bisong’s big revelation?


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 Episode 2.
 Previously on FFF.
 …Her beautiful brown eyes fixed on me, ears wide open and mind curious for the revelation of the Century.
“What I am about to tell you may be the most controversial thing you have ever heard. I need you to keep an open mind.”_
I said, mustering every iota of serenity within me to stay calm.
“Just talk already, Mister” She urged on.
“I am a…
“I am a Drug Lord, leader of the CashApp Cartel.”
“Nice one, try something else.” She said in humorous disbelief.
“I am telling you the truth. You think I’m joking?”
“Oh not at all, I believe you. You are also the next Mayor of Buea.” She said sarcastically.
I turned to Kara, looked her straight in the eyes and said firmly:
“I knew you were not ready for the truth!”
“Wait, are you serious about this? Now, you’ve got my attention. Talk.” She responded, now sounding more serious
than she had been earlier.
Kara’s eyes were now fixed on me and her face placed like she was preparing to take that one final knockout blow in a mixed martial arts fight.
“Well, I lead the CashApp Cartel. It is a small organization practically operating in the shadows. We sell all forms of hard
drugs from Cannabis To Heroin and everything in between. 
We also organize high profile fraud and launder money for the high and
mighty in this country.”
“What? How is that even possible? You are too calm and quiet to pull that off. Bisong, you can’t even hurt a fly, C’mon.” She exclaimed.
“Well that’s the whole point. Discretion is our code. My calm nature makes me ideal to lead our operations effectively from the shadows without attracting any suspicion. 
In Fact, I personally designed the operations system with discretion at the center. We do not recruit visibly obvious charlatans.
Everyone in the circle is clean, composed and well respected on
the outside. That’s how we have been able to pull it through this long.”
“Wait! How long have you been doing this?” She asked.
“About 5 years now, I think.”
“5 years? How come it does not reflect in your standards of living? I mean, look at this house. Nothing like a  rich guy’s house.
Look at your phone. How can you have this kind of money and you are using a cracked Samsung S6 when small amateur scammers are using Iphone 13 Pro Max? She ranted in total shock.
Let me explain further. It will soon make sense.
 *Our Commercial Storytelling Masterclass (CMS) comes up soon. An opportunity to build/improve your creative writing or Copywriting skills for entrepreneurs and creatives. Click Here to Learn More
 *Next on FFF.* 
Catch the action live as Bisong and Kara get into a heated argument over the new revelation, especially as Bisong seems to have a brilliant rationale or perhaps he’s just sick upstairs.
RDV Tomorrow 9.15AM
What’s your prediction of the outcome.
What will you do if you wake up one morning and find out that the one person in the World you thought you knew has secrets that makes them almost alien to you?
Get a glimpse of what is to come here
 Episode 3
“Discretion, Kara. Discretion. True, I can afford all of that. All the luxuries in  the World actually, but that could ruin everything.
 I designed the system in a way that it could never be traced back to me. That’s the secret behind our success. 
No excesses such that we remain in the shadows and don’t attract any attention. 
However, I am not exactly suffering. If you reflect keenly, you would realize that I never actually lack anything.
 You’ve never heard me complain about my bills or living expenses or other money pressures. That’s because they are all taken care of already. I am just cautious not to go overboard.
“Jesus Christ. This does not make sense.” She exclaimed, clearly freaking out. 
I could see Kara actively struggling to stay serene as she pulled herself together and asked on:
“What about your current business? You have been a salesman since we met. You even go on TV sometimes to talk about sales. You even inspire other people with your talks often. 
Did that mean something to you or it was also part of the plan?” 
“I would say yes and yes. Both are accurate. I truly believe in impacting this generation. That is why I share my knowledge and skills with people every time I get the chance. 
On the other hand, a clearly defined public image like that breeds credibility. Now that everyone knows I am a salesman, no one will think I could be something else.
Credibility or perhaps branding woud be the better word.
In the grand scheme, we are all salesmen. I use my sales skills skills to create new markets and expand our drug sales operations. It’s a win-win on all fronts.”
“Bisong, you are sick. This is insane.” She yelled.
“Maybe I am or maybe not, but I am the most level headed person you will find out here. What’s why I am so good at this.”
“You are an elder in Church, for Christ’s sake. How do you live with that?
“Live with what exactly? I asked, acting oblivious of her question.
“By selling drugs, you are actively destroying the lives of young people. It’s no news that drugs are addictive and could easily lead to mental disorders.
What happens when some of these addicts eventually become thieves,  vandals and rapists? How do you live with that in your conscience?” 
She said, now visibly emotional like a human rights lawyer prosecuting a violator in court.
“Think about it this way…
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Talk with Author
 Next on FFF 
As the debate for and against drugs unfolds, personality masks taken off and morality on the line, drama is imminent, but with unexpected twists.
Get a glimpse of what is to come here:
Food for thought 
What do you think about this saying “the real thieves are not the ones with guns?”
Ayeah Avisa

“Think about it this way – when a man get’s drunk on alcohol, goes back home and beats up his wife, does anyone attack the beer company? When a man smokes a lot of cigarettes and eventually develops lung cancer, does anyone shut down the Cigarette company? When a Doctor prescribes Tramadol for medical reasons, if the patient takes an excess of it and experiences negative effects, does anyone attack the Doctor? Why should this be different? 

I don’t pressure anyone into drugs. We simply make it available and those who want it, get it. In many ways, we are not different from entrepreneurs and marketers.” I said in my defense.

“And about my role as deacon in church, I carry it out with excellence. Don’t you see how everyone in church loves me? I give to God what belongs to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. That’s the rule.

“And when you launder money for politicians, money that was most likely embezzled from state funds, you are killing the nation, especially young people. How do you rationalize this too?

“I don’t. I see it as it is. I help my clients move money into Swiss accounts and that’s it. The source of the money is not my business. In Fact, it is standard policy that we don’t question the origin of the funds. It’s called client confidentiality.”

I could see Kara dealing with a wide range of unpleasant emotions, all masked behind self imposed composure. The silence that followed was weird. I could tell that a thousand thoughts were going through her mind before she eventually broke the silence with one defining question:

“Confidentiality huh? Why are you telling me this now, then?”

My mind games had been smooth all evening until this question caught me off guard.

“Well, erhmm…You know…Let’s just say I…

“Well, erhmm…You know…Let’s just say I trust you.” I stammered.

“Trust me? Do you even know what trust is, Bisong?” She asked, now almost sobbing.

“Kara, I need you to understand. The cartel has rules and I needed to be sure that I can trust you with this before I could let you in on it. By opening up to you about this part of my life, I am affirming that I trust you 100 percent. Can’t you see?” I asked, tone raised to match the emotional tension in the air.

“Bisong, let’s take this back to the basics. Do you actually love me?

“Of Course you know I do. I love you deeply, d-u-u-rling.” I reaffirmed with certainty.

“Then how could you do this to me? You had all this money and you could not take proper care of the one you claim to love? Whenever I told you I needed to go shopping or do my hair, you gave me the bare minimum. I didn’t get any fancy gifts or surprise birthday parties like my friends. In all this time, I remained understanding because I thought things were hard. That’s not fair.”Kara yelled as she burst into tears.

“Babe, it’s not like that. Please listen to me…” I ranted for about 3 minutes. 

And that was when Kara did the one thing that I dreaded most – snoobing. She stopped talking. Instead, she wrapped herself in the blanket as she broke down in tears. I was totally confused. I didn’t know how to react. If there was one thing that spited me as a man, it was a silent woman. 

After several futile attempts to calm Kara and get her to talk to me, I eventually retreated. For the first time in our relationship, I slept in the opposite direction of the bed with a thousand dreadful thoughts running through my mind:

What was she actually angry about? That what I was doing was morally wrong or that I didn’t trust her enough to tell her earlier?

 Was she mad that I was not the perfect man she made me out to be or that I was not funding her luxuries and fantasies?” It really wasn’t clear to me

“Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life?”

“Does she hate me now? Is this the end of our relationship?”

“Will she expose my secret?”

“Should I end it all here and now?”

A thousand thoughts of ‘doomsday’ crossed my mind as we eventually got carried away by the comforting ‘hands of sleep’.

The next morning, I woke up to a rather strange scene. Kara was not lying next to me as usual. I mean I normally woke up before her so it was strange that she woke up earlier today. 

“After yesterday’s revelation, she must have woken up earlier and left the house in anger.” I thought to myself and quite sadly so.

Before I could figure out what was actually happening, I heard a sound in the living room. It was the soothing sound of fast rising Cameroonian star singer Loic Sumfor’s “Deja Vu (You are you)” playing from my super bass boombox.

I got out of bed and followed the music straight to the living room. As I opened the door, what I saw shocked me to the core.

My living room was entirely soaked in red and white decor – A fresh set of blinds, red and white to compliment my white walls, red and white balloons in the air, red and white ribbons handing in strategic corners and a table fully set for two.

And there she was, the master planner, all dressed up in a seductively fitting fancy red gown on a sweet low white sandal as she majestically uttered the words that snapped me back to reality:

“Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.”

“Oh, it is my birthday.” I exclaimed like Prince Hakeem in the movie ‘Coming to America’ part one.

Apparently, the emotional overdrive of last night had taken my mind far off my birthday. How Kara remembered my birthday and got herself to pull this stunt despite all that happened last night was still a mystery to me.

I stood there in awe, short of words. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Decor on point, breakfast served hot, and the girl of my dreams at the height of her charm just like she was when I started crushing on her a few years earlier. Perfection, to say the least.

I stood there in awe, not realizing when my mind plunged into sweet memories of when I first met Kara.

It was on Easter Sunday 2 years ago, in a ‘near’ celestial Church service, everything I could ask for in a high impact encounter. Amazing young men and women gathered together, united with one purpose – to serve God.

The Man of God  was ‘on fire’ with a sermon that hit deep, striking every nerve in ‘sweetish bitter’ turns. The evergreen battle between what we wanted to hear and blunt truths we needed to hear. A sermon that brought to live the beauty of creation and the wonder of redemption – the Easter Mystery.

The choir was on vocal ecstacy, singing hymns that drove the congregation into a wild frenzy, triggering wild dance moves for Jesus. 

In a spirit-filled trance, my eyes wandered in the direction of the choir and behold, I saw something that ushered in a new line of thought. A light skinned damsel in a red ball gown with long brown hair, just the way I like it. A personification of the Creator’s creative genius. Almost flawless beauty to say the least. There was Kara in all her splendor, glorifying God with praise and  worship hymns. A single gauze at her and I was hooked.

I would have thought this would be a “distraction” at the moment but it wasn’t quite so. Somehow, my mind found a way to align this moment with the sermon a few moments back – the story of creation. I began to experience the true wonder of God’s creation in how he fashioned man. Creating a being in his own image and likeness and giving us authority over everything on earth.

As if that was not enough, he so showered us with unconditional love that even when we sinned and became unworthy, he gave us a second chance. A sacrifice so great on the cross and a victory even greater at the resurrection. Oh, such unconditional love!

Then in deep introspection, I started to ask myself;

“Perhaps, there is a deeper meaning to love than the fairy tale version flaunted on social media.”

“How do we give and receive love on a deeper level?”

“How do I express this kind of love to Kara after the service?” I thought to myself as my ‘sharp guy’ instincts got activated.

“Don’t just stand there staring, Mister. Go in there, freshen up and join me for your birthday breakfast.” Kara’s words that teleported me from ‘memories land’ back into the present moment.

As I showered joyously, I couldn’t help but wonder what was really going on.

“Was this really happening or was it one more ‘evil’ feminine trick? Fear that gender!” I thought to myself. 

As a baron that I am, I pulled myself together, went into my dressing room and dressed up to match the occasion – a finely fitting black ‘Afritude’ by Cameroon’s finest fashion designer, Kejieh Browdom (from Shoyofab fashion house) on a brown crocodile skin sandal. Oh, I loved myself in the mirror.

Kara treated me to an early morning indoor date. An experience that was the first of its kind for me and quite delightful. First came something light – Coffee and some cookies. Then some exotic Italian wine accompanied by apples and berries.

Soft music, lots of laughs, emotions in the air, mouths full of wine and Kara mentioned the words that made my World come crumbling for a moment.

“So how does it feel to have your last supper? Or should I say last breakfast? I wanted it to be memorable!”

“Wait. What?” I exclaimed as I spat out the last drops of wine from my mouth.

“Oh no-o-o. Don’t tell me you….” I pleaded, gasping for breath.

“What were you expecting? You really thought you were just going to get away with everything?” She asked like the Joker in Batman making fun of a victim before pulling the trigger.

“Kara, I love you. And I really didn’t do anything to you. We can work this out.” I negotiated for my life with the slight hope that she had the antidote or at least could do something.

“Hahahaha. Wow. So you fear death that much, Bisong. You are alway doing the alpha male thing. Now look at you. ‘Abeg’, I am not killing anybody. Calm down.”

“Oh thank goodness.” I said with a huge sigh of relief.

“Why did you do all this for my birthday, then. I mean you must really hate me after yesterday’s chat.”

“Why do you think so?” She asked, clearly acting ignorant.

“Well, you’ve always told me you wanted a man of integrity. A good man with a decent job. You know, all that stuff…”

“Right, but that was my mother’s concept of an ideal man. Not mine.” She responded. 

“Wait. What?” I asked in astonishment.

“Look, Bisong. It’s true that I want a decent man. But I also like a bit of crazy, you know. A manly man who can get his hands dirty to do what he has to do. A man with fire. It’s a huge turn on for me. A secret fantasy though.” She admitted.

“So you are not leaving me?” I asked, still in shock from what she just said.

“Leave you? That’s not happening. Not now that you’ve hit the jackpot, baby. I have struggled with you all this while and I’m not about to walk out on the ‘sunny days’. We die here!” She said with a confusing blend of entitlement and humor in her tone.

“Oh wow. What about the whole morality aspect you raised last night?”

“Moral flexibility, Bisong. Moral flexibility. Let’s say I’ve got a bit of that. Besides, I have suffered enough. It’s time to show the World that we have arrived.”

“Now that’s my girl.  Let’s paint this Town black and blue.

“Yes baby, but this time no secrets. You tell me everything. In Fact, I want in?”

“Excuse me?” I asked, surprised by her desire to join.

“You heard me – I want in. I want to understand the system and help you make more money. And this time, we need to enjoy our money. I didn’t come to this World to suffer.

“Kara, you have arrived. So where do I start from – shopping or a fresh manicure?” She soliloquised with pride.

“Wait, Kara. I am surprised at your reaction.”

“Well darling. You are not the only one with secrets. Now that we have started revealing secrets, I might as well just tell you a few of mine.” She said passively, almost like for a moment, she forgot I was there. You know that moment when you think something silly, only that it comes out loud and wrong.

“Oh, someone’s got secrets huh. Let it out.” I playfully cajoled her.

“Forget it. That was not for you.”

“No. No. No. Talk!” I said firmly.

“Well, erhmm…it’s nothing, really.” She stammered as she started to fidget.

“Just speak up, lady. I am listening.” I insisted.

“Bisong, you know I have always loved you right?”

“Oh, I know that. Go on…?” I said, waving the distraction.

“Well, I was not always the good girl you met  2 years ago. I have  history, small history like this…” She emphasized as she indicated small with her fingers, with a mischievous self righteous look on her face.

“I was once a hooker.” 

“Hahahaha. Nice one.” I laughed in obvious disbelief.

“You think this is funny? Don’t ask for the truth if you can’t handle it.” She responded calmly.

“Oh, you are serious. Wait, are you serious?” I asked, now starting to take her more seriously.

“I’m trying to be honest here. Really trying.”

“Alright, you’ve got my attention – spill.” I affirmed.

“I have been a hooker since I was 17. I did it to make ends meet.”

“Let me get this straight. Are you a hooker or were you a hooker? Are we talking past or present?” I asked, my heart now beating fast in shock.

“Well I was. I don’t do it anymore, unless it’s necessary.”

“What do you mean by necessary?”

“You know, when I have a pressing need or when I need some adventure. But it’s no big deal, really.” She responded.

“No big deal?” I yelled with scorn.

“It’s not what it sounds like. It’s not like I stood by the road at night, waiting for men to pick me up. That’s low class. I belonged to a group called Lala Girls. We were mostly University students or fresh graduates operating on a high level. Typically, we serviced politicians and big business moguls on working visits to Buea. We typically played the role of hostesses at high profile events, a role that came with  premium paychecks that included escorting should our clients require it. Sometimes, we would go outstation, traveling to other cities to service our clients. Outstation allowances were crazy high.”

“You talk about this like you enjoyed it. Why did you do this.?”

“Well, it was fun hanging out with rich and powerful men. Toiling with them to do my bidding for a few brief minutes. For once, I felt powerful. I felt in control of a situation, something I had not felt my entire life.”

“So it wasn’t about the money?” I asked in confusion.

“The money was important, but there was more. I have these dirty fantasies – I crave rough intimacy. I love it when you hold me down, spin me carelessly and do me mercilessly while screaming a couple of dirty words. That’s the problem with you – you are too gentle in bed.”  

“What? I thought you enjoyed our intimate moments. Wait a minute, what happens when you are not satisfied?”

“I’m not sure you can handle it. Please don’t make me go there.”

“Just speak. We are already down this road.” I insisted.

“I help myself out with a solojob. Or sometimes, someone gets the job done. Jerry, oh no I meant just for the…”

“Jerry? What – you are making out with my friend, Jerry?” I screamed now overwhelmingly disgruntled…

“I didn’t mean to say that. Oh no. That was a slip of tongue.” She tried to wave her words.

“I’m so disappointed in you, Kara. I thought I knew you but I clearly don’t.”

“Don’t you dare go there. You want to stand in my face and act like a saint now. How are you any better, drug lord?

“Seriously? Does that make you feel better about yourself?”

“Of Course. At least I’m not the only one with secrets. How about we just put our differences aside, bury our secrets and move on, Bisong. Can we do this?

“What exactly?” 

“Do us!” She responded

“That’s If there will be an us after today.” I mentioned passively.

“Don’t try it, Bisong. You can’t break up with me just because I told you my secrets. I swear if you try it, I will mess your life up.” Kara said firmly.

For the first time in all the time I had known Kara, I saw the beast in her. I knew she wasn’t joking. She clearly had been more entangled with street life than I ever imagined and I just could’t assume she was bluffing. 

However, these revelations about her could not go unaddressed. After a brief moment of silence, I looked at Kara in the face and said;

“You have nothing on me, woman. Stop ranting.”

“Hahaha. I have enough information to destroy you mister man. Just swallow this up and let’s move on like nothing happened.”

“Is that a threat?” I asked, surprised that Kara was willing to use my secrets against me.

“Call it what you want, baby. We die here!” She responded, provocatively.

“Let me burst your bubble…

“Let me burst your bubble. I am no drug lord and neither am I a part of any crime syndicate. The Cartel does not even exist. I am actually surprised that you believed that. I forged those receipts and left them in the drawer on purpose, to spice up the plan. I really just wanted to prank you. I never imagined it would lead to this – unveiling some dark secrets so well concealed all this while. Clearly a prank gone wrong.”

“What? Prank? What have I done?” She gasped for breath as she broke down in tears. Tears that represented the moment when she realized she had lost the leverage that she thought she had on me. The moment when she realized she had lost it all…


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